WhatsApp introduce new features from time to time to improve the knowledge of its users. They are very easy to use. WhatsApp is these days about its new privacy policy.
In the world WhatsApp is the most used apps. Crores people use WhatsApp in India as well. WhatsApp is constantly expanding its features, so that users can provide better services. In modern times, WhatsApp is widely used from personal life to professional life.
Today, we tells you about some of the most helpful WhatsApp features. You can use them easily.
4 WhatsApp features
1) Advanced Search Option:
Currently, everyone exchanges multiple messages, files, photos and videos a day via WhatsApp. In that case, if you want to find any document on WhatsApp, the advanced search option for WhatsApp is perfect for that. By accessing it, you can easily search for every text, image, sound or video shared via WhatsApp. You see this option on top of WhatsApp. These 4 WhatsApp feature using you save a lot of your time.
2) WhatsApp payments:
WhatsApp started a last year WhatsApp payment service in India. Based on UPI technology and you can create your account using other steps. By paying via WhatsApp, you can send money to someone in a few seconds. This feature is very useful and offers a lot of competition in other payment apps.
3) QR code:
When you work in the field, your contact list grows faster. If you speak in simple language, then you get to connect with more and more people. In that case, you should keep everyone's mobile phone number. WhatsApp has now come up with a new feature called QR Code. By using this feature, you can save someone else's number on your phone in just a few seconds. Your number can also be easily saved by the person using this feature. The special thing is that you can share your QR code with someone.
4) Disappearing Messages:
Many times you get annoyed by your conversation and your phone storage starts to fill up. In this case, the WhatsApp's Disappearing Message feature can help you. You must unlock this option by going to the person you want to delete your conversation with. After unlocking this feature, conversations with that person will be automatically deleted after 7 days. This will give you some freedom from the clutter. If you are a group administrator, you can still apply this feature to that group.
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